

拥有海外留学经历不仅是St. 爱德华的使命,但这是一个令人兴奋的方式,让学生继续学习, 成长和增加他们的个人和专业组合. 

For those interested in exploring all the available options, the 出国留学 Office is their hub. The 出国留学 office staff has lived and traveled abroad widely and has extensive experience in the field of study abroad. We take a holistic approach to study abroad advising by getting to know each student we meet with so that we can best recommend programs that will benefit the whole person – academically, 就我个人而言, 和情感上.

Navigating the processes and deadlines for studying abroad can be a lot so we ask that each student come into our office to meet with an advisor. Students interested in studying abroad work closely with the study abroad adviser through the whole process from choosing the best program for their personal and academic needs, 浏览各种截止日期和应用程序部分, 并帮助他们设定对即将到来的体验的期望. 一旦学生开始了他们的海外学习项目, their study away advisor is always available to them, 以及当他们回到校园, 提供他们在适应东道国生活方面所需要的任何帮助, 以及在他们的冒险结束后回到家. 


Most students planning to study abroad say that one of their goals is to become more 独立的 and for many, 出国留学是他们第一次对自己负责. With that independence comes excitement and increased confidence but also a lot of frustration along the way. The first two weeks of any program are usually filled with a lot of excitement and energy as they explore their new surroundings. 但在蜜月期结束后, they must start building a new life and routine in a foreign place and culture and sometimes in another language. 这很难,他们会有很多好日子和坏日子,加上思乡之情. 这很有挑战性,但好消息是他们挺过来了, 他们有一个学期或一个夏天的成长,回家时更成熟, 独立的, 还有足智多谋的人.


  1. 探索- - - - - - Your student may learn about our study abroad programs on our 出国留学 Portal They may also come to a general information session or attend drop-in advising. 顾问将指导他们选择最符合他们学术要求的项目, 个人和职业目标. 
  2. 应用- Your student will apply to their selected program (and indicate a second choice) by the posted deadline. 在审查所有申请后,并在公布的截止日期的两周内, they will receive information regarding their acceptance and instructions for next steps. 
  3. 接受- - - - - - All admitted students will be given 10–14 days to commit to the program and submit the $100 deposit (non-refundable) to hold their spot in the program. 
  4. 〇承诺和准备 出国留学 provides all relevant requirements, deadlines and next steps for committed students. 这包括出发前会议的资料, 获得护照和/或签证, 飞行采购, 课程注册, 卫生许可, 住房, 付款和其他申请步骤(赞助和交换项目). 
  5. 在国外, 在国外, your student will be responsible for his or her academic coursework and all remaining required materials. We encourage you to review this helpful guide to understand what your student might be experiencing while abroad and upon return. 
  6. 山顶上的家 一旦你的学生回家, 出国留学 offers programming to help them reconnect to campus and integrate their experiences for life beyond the hilltop.





你对他们的支持和参与是至关重要的, and one of the best things you can do for your student is to empower them to be responsible for their study-away experience by managing as many of the deadlines and processes as possible by themselves. 这是一个巨大的个人成长的时期, and we are looking forward to working together with your student on their study abroad plans. 


First and foremost, studying abroad is a rigorous academic endeavor and is not a break. 学生应该做好努力学习的准备. 在很多方面, studying abroad can be more challenging academically because of different academic cultures. 在许多国家, students are expected to be more responsible and self-driven and able to work 独立的ly without as many checks and balances as they may be accustomed to at St. 爱德华的. 例如, 在许多国家, students should expect to have only a few tests during the semester and upwards of 70% of their final grade based on their final exam or project.

出国留学也是一个挑战,因为有更多的分心. While we fully recognize that a significant part of the study abroad experience is traveling and exploring, 这仍然是一个学术上的努力,所以学生必须有建设性地管理他们的时间. 因此,圣. 对学习感兴趣的学生要求至少达到2分.GPA达到75分才能被批准出国留学, 不管他们感兴趣的课程对GPA有什么要求.

为了准备他们的游学经历,所有的圣. 爱德华的 students must meet with their success coach and academic advisor to get approval for the courses they plan to take while abroad, as well as to plan out their remaining semesters at SEU to ensure that they will stay on track with their general education and major requirements for graduation.


One of the most practical and immediate benefits of studying abroad is language acquisition. Encourage your student to consider programs that provide an opportunity to study another language, 尤指沉浸式的或半沉浸式的. 此外,你的学生将获得文化见解, language skills are becoming an increasingly important differentiator among hiring managers. 即使你的学生并不精通, a solid working knowledge of another language indicates an openness to – and an appreciation for – other cultures which is a critical 21st-century skill. And if your student has not studied a language before, encourage them to start learning!


当学生们在国外学习的时候, they are responsible for knowing and adhering to all rules and policies of their program, 主办大学, 以及他们的东道国, 除了支持圣. 爱德华的良好行为标准可以在圣. 爱德华大学学生手册.


大多数出国留学的学生表示,他们离开的这段时间改变了他们的生活. How widespread and deep those changes are will vary for each person based on their experience and what type of person they are. 在经历了这样一段变革性的经历后,回家可能是苦乐参半的. 他们是, 当然, 很高兴能和家人朋友团聚,熟悉一切, 但他们可能会想念节目中日常生活的冒险和刺激. It is helpful to understand this wide range of emotions and feelings that your student may be experiencing. Your student has changed, and some of these changes will be obvious and others more subtle. 要有耐心,花点时间重新熟悉, 承认你可能无法帮助你的学生适应. 这只是未来几年将继续发展的过程的一部分.
